measured building surveys
getting the foundations right
Where we are commissioned to work on existing buildings the first things we need before we can offer any detailed advice or undertake any design work are plans and elevations of the existing building. It is critical that the information we work on from the outset is current and accurate since all design work will be based on and relate to this. In some cases clients have retained copies of the original building plans; these are usually hand drawn and vary significantly in age and accuracy. Whilst being of use for reference, they are usually not detailed enough to rely on for the work we are to undertake. Furthermore, because we work entirely in BIM (Building Information Modelling), the survey information needs to be produced in 3D (or transposed from old 2D drawings into 3D) therefore it is normally prudent to undertake a fresh measured building survey and we are able to provide this as an additional independent service.
As each measured building survey is quoted as a lump sum fee and individually costed, it will be necessary for a Director or a senior member of staff to visit site to assess the extent of the work required in light of the intended building works, site/building conditions and any potential issues for accessing any parts of the building. Please note that for Health & Safety reasons some buildings or parts of buildings may not be capable of being measured. Once appointed our allocated survey team will visit site on a pre-arranged date/time and undertake the survey using appropriate equipment for the task at hand. All of our staff are CRB checked and carry WGY identity cards. Unless we are specifically requested not to do so we will take a selection of digital photographs for our own use to record and assist with the survey process. The survey will then be plotted by one of our technicians to produce the final survey as a 3D ‘virtual’ model in BIM from which the usual 2D plans, sections and elevation drawings are created. The BIM model is then used as a basis for whatever design work is required (CGI’s, VR etc) and onward distribution and/or sharing with other consultants in the design team. The survey is normally forwarded to the client in digital format and can be viewed or ‘interrogated’ in 3D using a small, free ‘app’. Where clients require drawings in paper format, these can be supplied, if necessary, at extra cost.
BIM is the emerging defacto standard for all architectural deisgn, and although it is slower at the beginning on account of the level of detailed input required even at the initial survey stage, it is generally considered to be very beneficial and cost effective over the entire project by facilitating acceleration of the design, detailed design and technical design information and variations thereof. Although all of our work is undertaken in BIM as a matter of course, If you only require traditional 2D drawings, it is important that you discuss this with us before we quote as this can dictate the manner in which the site survey is undertaken.
We are also able to undertake limited topographical (levels) surveys and have appropriate optical levelling equipment to undertake this on more modest sized projects. However on larger sites we would recommend sub-letting this work to specialist land surveyors who use the latest GPS controlled laser levelling equipment which outputs directly into CAD and BIM (2D and 3D) format and so are much quicker, more accurate and therefore more cost effective. Over the years we have developed a network of excellent land surveyors covering the whole of the UK who we use on a regular basis and whom we would gladly approach for competitive quotations on your behalf.
Similarly, the practice does not undertake specialist surveys such as drainage/hydrological, geological, services, trees, ecological, contamination, asbestos, etc but again we have developed a large network of specialist consultants for all of the issues who we can all upon as and when required.