Principal Designer (CDM)
safety first !
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, or CDM Regs for short, is mandatory legislation applicable to all UK construction projects. Should the construction stage of your proposed scheme last for more than 30 days or 500 person days, then you are required by law to appoint a Principal Designer as soon as design work has commenced.
As a CDM client there are a number of duties you need to comply with and receiving expert advice at the right time can provide you with the opportunity to establish safety standards throughout the whole of your construction project. The primary role of a Principal Designer is to co-ordinate the safety aspects of design work and ensure that the design team considers the safety implications of their design.
Wood Goldstraw Yorath are registered members of the Association of Project Saftey (APS)and actively encourages and facilitates the process of safety in design, which can eliminate or reduce costly issues such as design conflicts or difficult building maintenance. To achieve our goal of providing you with the best possible service, we integrate ourselves fully within each design team. This benefits the project through the ability to identify critical information at the right time and ensure that it is delivered to the right people. This can include advice on existing and future surveys, identifying risks from the surrounding environment and design risk information.