‘Priory Court’ , Newcastle, Staffs

Having originally identified the site for potential develoment we were appointed by local RSL ‘Beth Johnson Housing Association’ to develop the heavily contiured site with a scheme of 14 No 1 & 2 bedroomed ‘affordable’ flats and associated parking. Our service to them was limited to obtaining detailed planning consent (RIBA work stage D) but we were then novated to the contracor to extend our service to Builidng Regulations stage (RIBA work stage E). The appointed contractor was Chris Jaram Building Contractors who won the Design & Build contract via a competative bid process.

The concept behind the scheme is simple; it comprises of 7No. 2 storey ‘villas’ arranged to follow the ridge of the natural ‘bowl like’ topography of the site. Private amenity space and the main entrances are located to the rear where the topgraphy is relatively level. Parking is alocated to the front of the scheme (and thus below the outlook of all dwellings) where the land falls away to the public highway. Here the original design incorporated a plinth or ‘acropolis’ constructed in a heavily rusticated stone or brick as a stark contrast to the main facades of the dwellings to visually unite them. Sadly this feature was a victim of the design & build process however the feature ladder box-bay windows which provide each dwelling with natural surveylance over the car park and panoramic views over the edge of town beyond, were retained and make a notable visual contribution to this landmark development.